Sunday, November 21, 2010


Why would I write a blog entry titled Wednesday on a Sunday?  I always thought about Wednesday as marking the half way point in the week.  If it were Wednesday night, I could rest assured that I was “over the hump”, and that I was more than half way through the week.  This Sunday, November 21, 2010, marks three months in Jiamusi.  I am now “over the hump”.  The past three months have been a life changing experience, and I can only look forward to the next two.

I also write about Wednesday because this past Wednesday brought very exciting news!   I learned that I have officially been nominated to be a Congressional Page in Washington, DC – something that has been a long time dream.  As the exchange program ends on January 21, and the Page program begins on January 23, I will go directly to Washington! Well, not quite direct.  I will travel from Jiamusi to Beijing - a 24 hour train ride- from Beijing to San Francisco, and from San Francisco to DC! I am incredibly excited!

During AFS orientations, they talked about culture shock ; going from one place to a completely different place and being forced to adjust.  Going from Jiamusi to DC., from Exchange Student to House Page, from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere, from North to South, from a place of obscurity to a place of distinction will bring a whole new meaning to “culture shock”. 

As I look forward to this incredible opportunity, I am committed to continue to make the most of the time I have left here is Jiamusi.  I will make progress with the language, learn about the culture, read as much as possible and have a good time. 

I have two months left here, followed by five months in DC.  At this point, I can only wonder what these seven months will bring.  One thing I know for sure is that I am really excited and grateful to have both of these great opportunities in one year!


Mr. Mokriski said...

I am thrilled about your D.C. plans. Be sure to fix that place up.

Thanks for Skyping the other day. The kids are still talking about it.

I'm still really enjoying the blog. Way to get creative with it. For your next one, I suggest putting a Jiamusi playlist together.

Looking forward to seeing you when you get back.

Jen said...

Hey PK! Congrats on the Congressional Page opportunity! One of my friends in NSLI-Y spent a summer being a page and said he loved it! Hope you're enjoying yourself in China! Hopefully we'll talk soon :)